Radio Monash

Clayton North

About Radio Monash

Radio Monash is a student-run radio station based at Monash University in Australia, providing a vibrant mix of community, news, and music programs that reflect the diverse interests and talents of the university community. It serves as a dynamic platform that enriches the university experience through its community, news, and music programming, reflecting the eclectic interests and vibrant culture of Monash University.

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Radio Monash offers a range of community-focused shows designed to engage and connect students, staff, and the broader community. These programs often cover university events, student life, social issues, and cultural topics. They provide a platform for students to share their experiences, promote campus activities, and discuss topics relevant to their peers. The news segment on Radio Monash covers a variety of topics, including local, national, and international news. Music is a core component of this radio station, with a diverse array of shows catering to different musical tastes. The station features genres ranging from indie and alternative to hip-hop, electronic, and classical.



Language: English


Contact Number: 99058257

Address: Room 1-123, 1st Floor Campus Centre, Building 10, Monash University

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Radio Monash